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Information for New FAS Entrants regarding English Course Units

Information for New FAS Entrants regarding English Course Units

by Charith Saranga -
Number of replies: 0

Faculty of Applied Sciences
2020/21 Academic Year

Information for New FAS Entrants regarding English Course Units

The students should be registered for LMS and learn how to carry out an online quiz via the material which will be posted under the course ENG 101 2.0 Compulsory English (Scientific Communication).

A placement test will be held online on 19th June 2021 via LMS quizzes to help understand the proficiency level of the students. The Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) with help from Mr. Kevin Roshintha Fernando ( will administer the test. More details about the placement test will be notified via the LMS Course page.

English Courses Offered to FAS New Entrants

ENG 101 2.0 Compulsory English (Scientific Communication)

This will be a basic English course unit (carried out in Semester 1 of the first year as a 30 hour course) and will help students to improve their English so that they can prepare for English for Scientific Discourse in the second semester.

ENG 102 2.0 English for Scientific Discourse 

02 credit (core) course - will contribute towards GPA (carried out in Semester 2 of the first year).

This is newly introduced by the AHEAD project.

ENG 301 2.0 Professional English 

02 credits optional course (to be carried out in Semester 1 of the third year).

This is newly introduced by the AHEAD project to prepare students for the workplace environment.
